
Today we have been learning about cinquains a form of poem that only has five lines with 22 syllable with the lines having a order of syllables




Hard games

quick and deadly

they are very scary

when you are buying hunger games

think twice

100wc bike guy

Once in a place called Glenelg there was a boy his name was KEIR he always loved to ride his bike and play any sport this is the same case with his brother TEJA.  He is as strong as a bull and as fast as wind one day when the two were riding they stumbled across a movie set they came to a fast quick stop.the director said they were making a movie called milk-itary anyway they kept riding and almost crashed into kiev scooting down the road instead teja crashed into a hay bale Kiev  just shrugged and rode on.


Ther once was a boy named keir who was always there and here he has a fear of a boy named Alex who’s name is in itallics