The day

The day had come d-day this was it but I was ready for anything. I thought to myself if only I was a bit smaller  and a disintegrating have to join this stupid war! I stared at Sargent fox he had seen the Great War when he was a little boy “I was a little boy ‘bout 3-4 years old when the bombs started dropping”. I am strong and brave but a little voice inside of me says “remember who you are” the door of the Higgins landing craft crashed down and we deployed out I was 1 of 100,0 survivors out of 1,00000000


She woke to the sound of howling in the night she checked her clock 12.00 midnight. Exhausted & breathing hard she raised her fists. She was brave but not as brave as she thought. The howlers came from something far stronger and darker and more evil than her anyway she crept out of bed and peaked outside. And there she saw it a giant……………crouched…….crying………….thing. It sat in the corner and cried she looked and it was……….a…….doggy! It was Fido he was not crying but eating a crying bird she was surprised and dropped her fist and turned the corner taking Fido up to her bedroom.

The one on winter road

The demonic dealer of winter road

Welcome to the story of the demonic dealer.this story is about an old house at the end of a curve its turrets are said to be haunted by faces of killers who have committed crime in the crocked house. But one of them is still alive this is the dd. He Rome’s the road at 3am in the morning. He is black with no face he is tall he a suit and a tie.he is said to be related to the famous slender man.some.Make deals with him but they never should have said yes because when you enter the house you never come out ………………….alive…………………..

100wc bike guy

Once in a place called Glenelg there was a boy his name was KEIR he always loved to ride his bike and play any sport this is the same case with his brother TEJA.  He is as strong as a bull and as fast as wind one day when the two were riding they stumbled across a movie set they came to a fast quick stop.the director said they were making a movie called milk-itary anyway they kept riding and almost crashed into kiev scooting down the road instead teja crashed into a hay bale Kiev  just shrugged and rode on.



I was a boy I was scared it was dark screams an explosions filled the air I imagined

My home and my brother.but when I looked behind me I saw men not just men

Boys like me some I may never see again then the captain woke me with a startle “get

Up boy” then before I knew it I was running towards the costal fortresses there Gunns bristling with ammo. I forgot about them and just ran I thought of the enemy troops they were boys to and they matter.I slowed down closed my eyes and took it all in.


100WC T3W4

One Monday morning a cleaner with brown dark hair and a blue vest saw a ship

Not far away it was not English but Russian it turned full starboard heading

For a container ship the HMS Chicago it  skimmed roughly through the water then

A loud bang then followed by a swivel then a white streak hit the container ship with a large bang.

Cars were piling up creating a raft it hit the harbour sticking the man.this is were the story gets weird the the said harmless ship starts firing crazily!then the cleaner ran away with a scared expression

The link to our class is right here